Monday, May 18, 2009

today was another perfect weather day. very unexpectedly on the cool side. low humidity. very refreshing. the gardenias are fragrant and my basil, bless it's heart, only gets used in floral arrangements, which you should try. the combination of scents is summer...

we just returned home after spending a long weekend at a dog-friendly beach and lovely beach house. the occasion was to kick off summer, having the weekend before graduated our youngest son from auburn university. it was a couple of days of nothing, just as planned. a house filled with those we love (including the pups, who, by the way, were not particularly thrilled to be there. happy to be included, but a bit wary all the same). the refrigerator stocked. trips up and down the beachwalk to doze in the sun. no agenda, just a time for clearing the head and the calendar. i highly recommend it...

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