Tuesday, April 14, 2009

so, i say i fancy myself an artist, among other things. i think i'll title this entry "rainman" as that's how my oldest son refers to my random thoughts...
at any rate, spring has arrived. in fact, we've already had some days in the upper 70s with high humidity which i affectionately call "bad hair days", seeing as my hair is too curly to lay straight but not curly enough to be hip. it is in the in-between and soaks up the moisture in the air and responds with what my husband calls "yakkish hair". just by that description you can probably picture my hair exactly! today, however, is a lovely day. low humidity, the ground is wet due to recent storms, and just a bit of coolness in the air. some of my iris' have responded favorably and i couldn't resist snapping this photo with my iphone as my labrador, emma and i embarked on our morning walk, where lately we have found all sorts of interesting creatures and sights. i will add, happily, that i emailed the photo to myself from my phone to my desktop, saved it in my images, and uploaded it into my blog all by myself. necessity...

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